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Статистика раздачи
Defender's Quest
Valley of the Forgotten
- Информация
Дата выхода: 20 января 2012
Жанр: Strategy (Tower Defense), RPG, Top-down
Разработчик: Level Up Labs
Издатель: Level Up Labs
Релиз от: GOG
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и другие
Язык озвучки: Симплиш
Язык субтитров: Русский, Английский и другие
Локализация: Level Up Labs
Версия: 2.2.2
Тип издания: License
Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Процессор: 2.0 ГГц
Оперативная память: 2 Гб
Свободного места на жестком диске: 100 Мб

Таблетка: Не требуется (DRM-Free от GOG)
Для скромного королевского библиотекаря Азры жизнь шла своим чередом. Она заботилась о книгах, вытирала пыль и переписывала королевские указы, но все изменилось в один день, когда ужасная чума опустошила её родину. Болезнь убивала людей настолько быстро, что выжившие не успевали хоронить трупы: вместо этого их бесцеремонно выбрасывали в Провал. Заразившуюся Азру посчитали мертвой и бросили следом. Оказавшись на Перепутье, в странном месте между жизнью и смертью, она открыла в себе удивительную способность - приводить в этот сумеречный мир других людей. Теперь ей предстоит выбраться из Провала, узнать, откуда взялась чума и вступить в бой, чтобы спасти не только себя, но и всех людей королевства. Defender’s Quest сочетает в себе элементы ролевой игры и жанра Tower Defence, и ролевые элементы в ней дополняют привычную механику оборонительной стратегии. Нанимайте войска и размещайте их на поле боя, подбирая наиболее подходящих солдат: берсерков, лучников, целителей, магов и многих других. Улучшайте их навыки, приобретайте предметы и развивайте способности бойцов, чтобы ваша армия стала непобедимой.


Жанр Tower Defense с элементами RPG! Ваши персонажи получают уровни, используют предметы и улучшают навыки!
Сотни уникальных битв на более чем 47 картах!
Ветеран вы или новичок, вы найдёте в этой игре уровень сложности как раз под ваши возможности!



Особенности релиза:

Языки интерфейса и субтитров: Русский, Английский, Чешский, Немецкий, Японский, Корейский, Испанский, Итальянский, Французский, Китайский
Бонусы от GOG:
HD обои на рабочий стол
Character Biographies
Super Space Defenders official mod
Defender's Quest original version (Windows)
Go to your documents directory (mine is "C:\Users\larsiusprime\Documents")
Create a "DefendersQuest" folder
Create a "mods" folder inside of that
Create a folder for your mod (say, "spacedefenders")
Unzip the contents into that folder, such that "settings.xml" and all the other files are right inside of "spacedefenders."

Описание установки и запуска:

Запускаем установочный файл.
Следуем инструкциям программы установки, не обращая внимание на возможные предупреждения антивирусной защиты.
Скриншоты установки:

История обновлений раздачи:

01.01.2017:Игра обновлена до версии - 2.1.2с.
В раздачу добавлена, забытая в прошлый раз (каюсь) оригинальная версия игры в виде бонуса от GOG.
09.03.2017:Игра обновлена до версии - 2.1.5a.
06.08.2017:Игра обновлена до версии - 2.1.7.
07.01.2018:Игра обновлена до версии - 2.2.0 (17653).
В раздачу добавлен патч для предыдущей версии игры.
21.01.2018:Игра обновлена до версии - 2.2.2.
В раздачу включены патчи для предыдущих версий игры. Patch 2.2.2 (19 January 2018):
Fix glitch with boost indicators in battle
Fix overlapping tutorial navigation chrome
Fix startup crash in level editor
Fix mod interface showing steam options when steam is not active
Fix text overfills in mod interface
Fix text size issues in journal
Fix missing paragraph of German text in "third dream" journal entry
Fix incorrect german speaker line in opening cutscene
Fix loading times on party screen a bit
Fix overworld text scroll float
Fix missing text in party rewards
Fix "merge" method for xml files in mods
Fix memory leak
Fix wave text in enemy wave bar in 4:3 aspect ratio
Fix overflow text in enemy menu
Fix spell text showing wrong stats in YouGot screen in NewGame+
Fix scrap overflow
Fix cutscene text overflow
Fix achievements
Fix battle crash
Patch 2.2.1 (19 January 2018):
Fix crashes related to recycled effects
Fix steam controller support
Fix width of hp/level text in party screen for 4:3 resolution
Fix text overruns in achivements screen
Fix achievement toasts
Fix bug with book of Daring making characters unsummonable once summoned until you restart the game
Fix bug that prevented level cap from being moddable
Fix bug with spell panel overlay that sticks around when it should disappear
Fixed bug where speech panel can go off the left side of the screen in cutscenes in 4:3 resolution
Patch 2.2.0 (05 January 2018)
Lots of battle optimizations:
don't call unnecessary updates on enemies
don't call unnecessary updates on effects
cache results of effect palette swaps rather than doing it EVERY SINGLE TIME
Fix occassional NaN values for a projectile's angle, which would trigger a while loop of SIX MILLION ITERATIONS (every update!!!!)
Throttle how many times an enemy's HP bar can be redrawn per unit of time (so it's not wastefully spammed when playing at e.g. x16 speed)
Cache results of scaled tiled bitmaps to reduce drawing time
Increase capacity of QuadTree nodes
Added surgical speed throttling -- if there's too many enemies on screen, x16 and x8 speed modes are disabled until you kill enough off. You'll only ever really encounter this limit on the endless bonus battles, and it should effectively increases framerate by not overtaxing the game.
Replaced "hot" text fields in battle with bitmap text fields, which update faster and cause less lag
Avoid playing multiple identical sound effects in rapid succession
Preload enemies to avoid stutter on the first spawn of each wave
Other stuff:
Fix controls menu bug where you can create invalid control configs in gamepad mode
Fix black screen on exiting menu in battle if sprite mode has ever changed
Fix auto-closing gamepad controls change popup
Fix on-screen button prompts not updating on controls change in save slot screen
Remove various problematic window resolutions from the video options
Fix controls menu gamepad navigation
Fix steam achievements not always reflecting what you have on Steam vs. what you have in game
Make journal text default to latin font if it tries to do Korean/Japanese but finds an untranslated string
Fix this crash - start a game in hero mode, try to recruit a character, and cancel out of the warning popup
Add various crash guards
Fix cursor crash in movies menu
Add antialiasing to projectiles
Lots of locale tweaks to fix bugs
Show the text "loading" between screen transitions so it's not just black
Fix German/Spanish text overruns in cutcenes
Add back/forth cutscene actions for gamepad
Fix cursor navigation of enemy tooltips on battle preview
Switch journal to bitmap text so it loads faster
Fix soft lock in party skill screen
Fixed full-screen flash effects persisting after a screen transition
Fix missing skill lock text in party menu
Fix missing tutorial texts when navigating with the gamepad
Fix broken symbols text in cutscenes
Fix crash in party skills menu
Fix cycle defenders & spell selection bugs
Fix accessibility menu glitch (save slot specific options accessible outside of a loaded save)
Enemies now selectable in gamepad mode
Battle preview now shows a line crossing out already earned rewards
Fix crash in controls menu
Fix bug that shows incorrect character portrait when selecting an "ally" (computer-controlled guest character)
Fix item sorting in party screen
Make both flashing and screenshake in cutscenes respect the accesibility settings
Fix wave block tooltip on wave block destruction
Fix tooltip lingering when enemy is killed
Fix boost disabled button placement in mcguffin menu in final battle
Fix buggy gamepad menu interactions with spell menu
If a name is entered in japanese/korean and the language is later switched to English or another locale, so that a text field with non-asian characters ever attempts to display asian text, display the asian text using romanization (Hepburn or RROK) rather than display nothing at all (this does not change the underlying data).
Optimize party screen so it's faster to navigate with the gamepad
Fix some issues with gamepad navigation on the battle screen
Switched to bitmap fonts for many screens - should be more responsive, particularly when using gamepad navigation
Fix artifacts in berserker animation
Fix enemy death animations
Make color selections for healer, knight, mage, slightly less terrible
Add dragon roar sound effect
Add sound effect to indicate first and last enemy wave
German, French, and Spanish translations now officialy out of beta, should be 100% complete.
Fixes to the journal -- shouldn't have ugly overlaps and layout problems in any of the locales now.
New sound effects
Fixed a few weapon icons that had some bleed-over
Simplified Spell "Need PSI" and "Wait" overlays to be less buggy in other locales
Fix monastery tutorial (keyboard vs. gamepad mode)
Fix some of Ketta's battle portraits
Fix battle dialog window position in some cases
Remove OUYA/Logitech button icons so I have less things to maintain
Fix knight's generic HD sprite icon
Combined splash screen with loading screen
Add James Gray, Lucas Pope, Syrenne McNulty, and Nilsen Filc to credits
Remove old website links from credits
Made gamepad button prompts have a subtle animated effect (for non-steam-controller mode)
The new little twinkly star on the title screen is not a special secret, it's to fulfill a boring requirement on consoles that no screen is ever entirely static
Patch 2.1.7 (26 July 2017)
Full Chinese translation (simplified)
Full Chinese translation (traditional)
Fix crash with mod menu
Fix various bugs with softkeyboard overlay
Fix erroneous steam cloud message
Fix crash in movies menu
Fix glitch with gamepad button glyphs in tutorials
Render battlefield tilemap faster
Fix double-press bug w/ gamepads on new game menu
Fix double-press bug w/ gamepads on tutorials
Fix crash bug on recruit screen
Add "remember the last spot on back" in summon menu for class, character, and map placement
Fix spell scale in YouGot menus
Crash guard for mouse + fix some bugs
Less allocations/dynamics in quad trees (read: performance boost)
Optimize enemy/defender update logic (internal efficiency cleanup + don't send redundant regeneration signals)
Flag UI elements as non-moving to speed things up a little
Fix delayed update on mcguffin hit --> healthbar refresh
Fix tilemap doodad glitches
Fix send next button for gamepad use
Fix crash in party screen with gamepads
Generally improve the user experience for gamepads
Add "target boss" for gamepad mode
Faster loading for QuickEquip menu
Fix visual glitch w/ shaded region in party screen
Replace blank black load screens with screens bearing the word "Loading..."
Add analog stick speed and inertia options for gamepad controls in battle
Fix some bugs related to hand cursor in battles
Fix unicode error in skills menu preview
Fix bug with level up gems in party menu if language is Chinese
Fix scroll button being too low in party equip menu
Fix controls text overlapping if language is Chinese
Fix stack overflow with achievements
Fix button widths on localization menu
Fix "constantly growing item icon" bug in shop menu
Fix Chinese bitmap fonts
Fix recruit button glitch
Fix battle tab glitch
Fix recall button in chinese
Fix cutscene bug with New Game+ and symbols text
Fix crash on Sidequest 7 in New Game+
Fix unicode/layout errors in Journal
Animate journal previous/next page buttons to make them more noticeable
Fixed bugs with the "strange monument"
Fix bug with first skill tutorial
Added a strikethrough line in map previews to indicate achieved rewards
Fix weird looking hand icon in original art mode
Fix untranslated strings in skills menu
Add skip_cutscenes option for speedrunners: no in game GUI for now, must hand-edit options.txt
Patch 2.1.5a (08 March 2017)
Level editor: Fix startup crash & item editor bugs
Fix "#ERROR!" bugs in various localizations
Fix mac/linux versions
Switching to "Universal" builds that include all currently supported API's with every build, everywhere. Currently this is just Steam, but if/when GOG Galaxy support is added that will be included as well. If a particular client is not running, the game will ignore those API calls and run as usual. The text in the lower right hand corner will indicate what client is running -- "Steam" for Steam, "Universal" for none. When GOG Galaxy support is added (not in as of 2.1.5a) it will say "GOG".
Changelog for patch 2.1.5 (added 08 March 2017):
- Added level editor
- Added multi-mod functionality
- Added "custom item" graphic support
- Added "unload mod" / "reload mod" to title screen in mod mode
- Added Simplified Chinese translation (no story content yet)
- Added Traditional Chinese translation (no story content yet)
- Change healing cross from red to green to comply with Geneva Convention
- Fix mod menu dialogue
- "Fancy cursor" is now "Finger cursor"
- Fix various bugs
- Patch to Russian translation
- Fix many controller support bugs
- Fix recruit screen bug
- Fix overworld scrolling bug
- Fixed naming recruits with steam's soft keyboard overlay
- Fixed "configure steam controller" button doing nothing
- Fixed autosave error popup (false negative)
- Fixed shader scale bug
- Added PS4 / XBOXONE / XBOX360 button glyphs for steam
- More Steam Controller support (will now polyfill missing glyphs from newly added controllers)
- Add missing blank controller buttons for ps3/ps4/ouya
- Fix steam controller glyph bugs & weird movement when a spell is selected
- Fix sorceress "fake boost" bug
- Fix bonus battle menu not displaying completion status
- Fix spell updating
- Fix mouse glitch with Steam Controller
- Fix overworld scroll being too low
- Fix save conflict screen not being navigable with Steam Controller API
- Make bonus battles a scrollable list
- New Steam Controller configs for XBox360/XBoxOne/PS4/ValveSteamController
- Other stuff I probably forgot
Changelog for Patch 2.1.5a / GOG-31 (Windows) / GOG-? (Mac) / GOG-11 (Linux) (added 08 March 2017):
[file update for Mac version still missing]
- Level editor: Fix startup crash & item editor bugs
- Fix "#ERROR!" bugs in various localizations
- Fix mac/linux versions
- Switching to "Universal" builds that include all currently supported API's with every build, everywhere. Currently this is just Steam, but if/when GOG Galaxy support is added that will be included as well. If a particular client is not running, the game will ignore those API calls and run as usual. The text in the lower right hand corner will indicate what client is running -- "Steam" for Steam, "Universal" for none. When GOG Galaxy support is added (not in as of 2.1.5a) it will say "GOG".


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