Изменения в версии:
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What's new in Action! 4.10.0?
NEW easy to use selected application window recording/streaming and recording/streaming of multiple desktops in a single video (link to video tutorial is available below)
Added support for 8K MP4 video capture for newest Intel and Nvidia GPUs
Fixed system/driver crash after hardware PlayReady 3.0 DRM is enbaled with Action! running
Fixed 240fps recording in HDR mode
Fixed Vulkan HDR capturing in active screen mode
Stability improvements
Action! 4.3.1 with improved HDR10 recording is now available![/sh]
What's new in Action! 4.3.1?
• HOTFIX: Fixed problems with GPUs not fully supporting DirectX 11.1 features
• Fixed region recording using Intel GPUs
Action! 4.3.0 with improved HDR10 recording is now available![/sh]
What's new in Action! 4.3.0?
• Improved Vulkan performance
• Fixed desktop recording when Windows 10 virtual scaling is enabled (desktop resolution is not monitor's native resolution)
• Fixed pause when no audio is recorded or no audio devices are present in the system (video only)
• Added YouTube permissions revocation after logging out in account manager
• Added Discord to built-in exclude list