Changes and New Stuff
[Deleted Files]
The following files from the full 1.9.3 release are no longer needed in 1.9.4 and can/should be deleted to avoid potential issues in the game:
(Since we can't tell Zip archives to delete those files, you need to remove them manually)
// General update to loan stuff. Existing events have been moved, merged and updated.
- Schools/NormalSchool/Events/FunctionLibrary/
- Schools/NormalSchool/Events/FunctionLibrary/
- Schools/NormalSchool/Events/FunctionLibrary/
- Schools/NormalSchool/Events/Location/Bank/
// Moved to changing room.
- Schools/NormalSchool/Events/Location/School/Hallway Shared/
// "My Debut" was not used anywhere. "School of Cock" has been replaced by three gender-specific books "School of Sex".
- Schools/NormalSchool/Items/Books/My Debut.xml
- Schools/NormalSchool/Items/Books/School of Cock.xml
// Image folder was renamed to "School Main Gate".
- Schools/NormalSchool/Images/Locations/Normal School
// Item has been renamed to "Onsen Membership Card" and related events have been improved.
- Schools/NormalSchool/Items/Miscellaneous/Onsen card.xml
[Full Commit Log]
The following commits have been made in this release:
- Fixed SQLite backup not working due to missing parameters for source and destination DB type. (Previous versions may have tolerated that, but the latest doesn't.) bug #1199
- Fixed exception when trying to display tooltip for a RemoteEvent operation that had no event specified yet.
bug #1198
- Removed obsolete "BreakInLevel" legacy property from Item class.
Fixes (or should fix) two Principal clothing bugs (one per bug #1195)
• Reported by roberttx: player's char is a floating head
• Reported by xyza7890: Commando underwear variant of clothing not displayed
- Changed most (but not all) internal person list structures to use UIDs instead of names as reference.
- Added some missing values to the String Constants Hint form.
bug #1195
Fixes a (progress stopping) bug reported by barteke22 (can't propose Practical Sex Ed)
- Remove Item from Inventory now processes all item variables attached to the operation.
- Added note that the "set parameter to nothing for removal" option only applies to item events that are directly triggered by the engine.
bug #1192
- Removal of some hardcoded locations from ScheduleHandler.
General update and rework of the bank loans stuff (modernising, text improvements, etc.)
- Fixes big reported by jsb (loan payment treated as income, not expense.)
- Fixes unreported bug of loan terminating 1 month early
- Merged LoanRepayment and LoanRepaymentTittyfuck into one event
- Updated EdgarBanks xml (giving him his speaking color)
- Added LOC_Bank (so bank is only open during office hours)
- Linked Bank map to Stores Shared (so bank closes after office hours)
Updated Tanning oil_ItemEvent (overlooked in the work done per bug #1178)
- Added some content and changed the effects
- It's no longer such a 'quick and easy' appearance booster
- But does deliver others things
- "Location Connection" operation now requires the additional "Travel Time" parameter when adding a new connection.
- Removed obsolete "Time to Cross" property from location.
Moved LockerGirl to changing room (where there are lockers) and did a general update.
More work done on the map
- Further tweaks to some school location visit frequencies (e.g. increased canteen usage during breaks)
- Cleaned up Editor layout to improve readability
- Changed Red corner and Cabaret linkages to what I believe feels more logical (and matches story content)
- Reduced 'To Smallville' location buttons to only those required (i.e. is the only way out)
- Renamed Onsen changing rooms to match event folder names
General clean up / modernisation of these events
Bug fix: Execute was connected to Add input of Person Stats 117 (increasing adding inhibition every time the event fired)
Adding moving player to bedroom if they fall asleep at home (per request from DeniedInMontana)
- Also made a minor adjustment to probability of making it home [try to make it home path]. It's now 40 yes / 60 no
Fixes issue raised by jsd (relaxing time passing mechanic out of whack)
Should fix the bug reported by blumph (Exhibition club not progressing, and Club Journal throws an exception)
- Also did a couple of minor clean-ups to related events
Just more typos
Mostly just fixing typos (plus some minor code clean ups)
Just marking various (with todos and notes) for rework
Just fixing typos
- "Database" tab in Debug Window can now correctly handle the use of "EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN" commands, to get an overview over the performance of a specific query.
- Optimized query for Person Relationship Database by adding two indices to avoid full table scans on most operations. (This improves startup performance A LOT!)
Just updated (existing) todos. Event needs a general update.
Added a bookshelf (i.e. somewhere to store books)
Fixes bug report by Duskoxiv (general passing out from low energy not resulting in sleep)
- Amended some of the school navigation and button position (to what I believe feel is more logical)
- Replaced item 'School of Cock' with 3 'School of Sex' items (with gender preference-specific variants and item images)
- Removed item 'My Debut' (as isn't used anywhere)
Just fixing more typos
Just fixing typos (talk sentences missing closing quote)
Fixed bug reported by blumph (event was not rescheduling itself correctly)
Fixing (exception causing) bug in TriggerCompulsoryMasturbation
Main just typos (with a couple of minor code clean-ups)
- Fixed bug reported by remembermethistime (Special Char nude breasts not working)
- Final cleanup and refinement to exhaustion mechanics
Fixed a bug reported by warrior89 (progress stopping exception the Underwood chain)
- Fixed World Editor trying to load Worlds as World Extension through the menu.
bug #1188
- Remove Item by Name from Inventory had incorrect variable link type set.
bug #1190
General clean-up and update to PrincipalSleepTracker
- Adds a 'clock dream' (just to say something is still happening during long sleep period)
- Adds a graduation factor into the algorithm (be better reflect exhaustion accumulating over time)
- Fixed bug reported by imnotoverhere (not resetting states correctly after a collapse event)
- Fixes lesser issue of not calculating fitness correctly
Corrected event intended to fire only a 'Classroom' firing in Gym, Swimming Pool, Etc.
Amended 'Normal School' location name to 'School Main Gate' and set description back to 'WayToSchool'. And, as part and parcel:
- Renamed location image folder to match
- Updated all events that use the location name and location image
- Added a note to the Event Images Folder (which is still called 'Normal School') to explain the relationship
- Also complete a general review of school locations and corrected various inconsistencies (full details posted to bug #1185)
Cleaned up Onsen membership and logic of the events:
- Membership now required to use the Onsen (previously could use without being a member, even you're told you can't).
- Membership lifetime fee increased to a (slightly more sensible) $500
- Membership card given an image and purpose is better explained
Bug fixes: Immodesty check was never firing (due to a bad regex) and the "Always wear" option in AccessWardrobe was broken
Torso of futa principal no longer looses breasts in onsen towel (reported by zaiaku)
bug #1187
Added some new girl names (handpicked from the mod of 22mice)
Statistics tab is now separated into individual sub-tabs for the different statistic topics
Bug fixes:
All item bugs believed to be now fixed (please report any items issues you still encounter)
Lots of typos fixed, thanks to Positron (still more to do here)
Fixed adult Education and Lust values ignoring the values defined in the config
Various other minor bugs fixed (thanks to all the reporters)
Fixed bad performance during event execution (caused by too detailed execution logging)
Improved general startup time in release versions (by pre-compiling XML serializers)
Developer/API changes (only relevant for mod authors):
All school location event folders moved into single main folder "School"
Various new functions added, existing ones amended (with descriptions added/updated) and some moved to appropriate category sub-folders
VEE operations that change a person's inventory now have link variations that determine how many items are affected: Single item instance from a stack of items (Object variable); entire stack of items with the same properties (Object variable); all items with the same name (Object List variable). Stacks can be turned into a list of individual instances via flattening operation.
"Remove Item from Inventory" operation can no longer be used to remove an item from the inventory of its owner while executing its own item event. Instead, set the Item parameter passed to the event to "Nothing".
The "Search for Operation" function in the VEE's DevTools has been improved, so it's now possible to search for operations with a combination of specific names, comments and variable links.
The "Find Unused and Missing Images" function in the VEE's DevTools has been improved and is a lot more reliable now.
Item descriptions can now use placeholders like {Counter}, {Data}, {Uses}, {RemainingUses} and {MaxUses} to insert the respective property value into the text when showing it in the UI.
The "Text Replace Dictionary" now behaves the same way as the "Text Replace Person Context" in terms of scope. It is no longer persisted with the owning event but instead valid for the duration of the current execution. The values are propagated to called remote events and changes made by those events are fetched back to the calling event.
Removed hardcoded random assignment of club president from code. The logic has been recreated in
Added some operations to control which school classes are available and how students are assigned to them.
Added mechanic to let mod authors add and override ingame locations in a non-destructive manner via "World Extensions". World Extensions are XML files that contain only a property "Locations" with a list of location data as it would be included in the actual base scenario file. At game start, these additional locations are merged into the existing world (allowing to override existing locations with the same name) before proceeding to load files as usual. The World Editor has a new option to save the current locations as World Extension.
Added new VEE operation to add connections between locations at runtime, so you can hook up locations from World Extensions to the main game locations in an initialization event.
Added new StatusEffectModifier "FollowUpEffect", which applies a new StatusEffect as soon as the existing one expires. Useful to chain different effects together if you don't need to fine-tune them with an actual ExpirationEvent.
Reversed sorting logic in Initialize event: now events with a numerically "higher" priority value are run before those with a "lower" value. The Initialize events that were relying on this have been adjusted accordingly. This also matches the explanation of the "Priority" property in its tooltip.