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JetBrains Intellij IDEA 2018.3.2 [En] - Версия программы: 2018.3.2
Официальный сайт: www.jetbrains.com/idea
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: в комплекте
Тип лекарства: другое
Системные требования:
Одна из следующих операционных систем:
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 7
2 ГБ RAM и больше
1.5 ГБ дискового пространства + не менее 1 ГБ для кэша
Самая умная и удобная среда разработки для Java, включающая поддержку всех последних технологий и фреймворков. IntelliJ IDEA предоставляет инструменты для продуктивной работы и идеально подходит для создания коммерческих, мобильных и веб-приложений.

Ключевые возможности

Умное автодополнение, инструменты для анализа качества кода, удобная навигация, расширенные рефакторинги и форматирование для Java, Groovy, Scala, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, ActionScript, LESS, XML и многих других языков.
Поддержка всех популярных фреймворков и платформ, включая Java EE, Spring Framework, Grails, Play Framework, GWT, Struts, Node.js, AngularJS, Android, Flex, AIR Mobile и многих других.
Интеграция с серверами приложений, включая Tomcat, TomEE, GlassFish, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Geronimo, Resin, Jetty и Virgo.
Инструменты для работы с базами данных и SQL файлами, включая удобный клиент и редактор для схемы базы данных.
Интеграция с коммерческими системами управления версиями Perforce, Team Foundation Server, ClearCase, Visual SourceSafe.
Инструменты для запуска тестов и анализа покрытия кода, включая поддержку всех популярных фреймворков для тестирования.

Что нового в версии 2018.3

IntelliJ IDEA supports the upcoming Java 12, and you can already preview the Raw String Literals (JEP 326) in the IDE. Learn more.
The IDE can now spot duplicates in more complicated cases, and it does this faster as well.
Java Stream API improvements: redundant sorted calls that are made before the subsequent min call are now detected.
A new data-flow-based inspection detects situations where the first condition is unnecessary because it’s already covered by a second condition.
The IDE now identifies situations where a suppressed inspection no longer addresses any warnings in the associated method body, class, or statement.
The IDE highlights the first and all subsequent TODO comment lines in the editor and displays them in the TODO tool window.
A new indentation status bar displays the size of the indent in the current file.
You can create a scope to disable code formatting from being done on specific files and folders. Go to the ‘Formatter Control’ tab in Preferences / Settings | Editor | Code Style.
Syntax highlighting and code completion are now available for EditorConfig files.
Thanks to initial support for GitHub Pull Requests, now you can view PRs in your IDE.
Support for Git submodules is here: update your project, commit changes, view diffs, and resolve conflicts.
The VCS Log lets you navigate to the previous/next selected commit.
The ‘History Up to Here’ action can now show the full history.
Whitespace changes can be ignored while merging.
The Annotations context menu now includes a new Ignore Whitespaces option (Git only).
A Diff Preview for annotated lines is now available via the VCS popup.
IntelliJ IDEA has a new option to copy a file from one Git branch to another.
The branch you are committing files to is now displayed in the Commit dialog.
The IDE updates Git multi-repository projects much faster than before.
By default, the IDE now uses the Native Git SSH Executable.
The new Search Everywhere integrates the following navigation dialogs: Search Everywhere, Find Action, Go to class, Go to file, and Go to symbol.
You can now search for multiline fragments in the Find in Path dialog.
The new updated Structural Search & Replace dialog comes with loads of enhancements, including autocompletion in the search field, more flexible scope configuration, and more.
The IDE can help you migrate your project to the new version of Kotlin.
The IDE gives you a set of project examples for multiplatform projects.
There are new Kotlin inspections and quick-fixes available.
The IDE already supports the recently released Spring Boot 2.1.
Upon project creation, the IDE will suggest installing or enabling the appropriate plugins to ensure that support for all the selected technologies is present.
Better JPA and Spring Data support for Kotlin.
We’ve introduced a new High-contrast theme to make IntelliJ IDEA more accessible.
Screen readers can now access and read: line numbers, VCS annotations, the debugger, and other gutter icons.
Accessibility inspections for HTML are available.
It’s possible to attach to Java processes started without a debug agent using the serviceability agent.
The IDE can now automatically continue listening to the remote connections after the remote debug process disconnects.
You can assign your own custom shortcut to remove all the breakpoints from a file or from the whole project.
The IDE supports async stack traces in Remote JVMs.

Что нового в версии 2018.3.1

We fixed a regression and you can build projects with IBM JDK again: IDEA-201089.
The bundled Kotlin plugin was updated to v1.3.10: IDEA-202194.
Now you can use multiple $Prompt$ macro in External Tools: IDEA-129070.
The “Select in…” option in the new Search Everywhere now works: IDEA-197872.
Various improvements have been made in Spring Cloud Stream: IDEA-201865, IDEA-201867, IDEA-201605.
Several notable fixes for the integrated terminal: IDEA-202821, IDEA-202821, IDEA-202523.
A couple of improvements have been made to the Java Scratch files: IDEA-197852, IDEA-201903, IDEA-146217.

Что нового в версии 2018.3.2

Fixed the issue with the IDE freezes when searching in Hebrew: IDEA-199367.
Fixed the regression that causes builds to fail if the paths contain symlinks: IDEA-202775
Fixed the issue that causes a project update over SSH to fail if there are lots of repositories: IDEA-203005.
The library index now updates when JAR files are replaced: IDEA-187185.
Fix for an issue with the Gradle test runner: IDEA-203517.
Several fixes for the Quick Documentation popup: IDEA-203713, IDEA-198297.
Fixed the issue causing the IDE to not finish scanning files for index: IDEA-202979.
Fixed the regression that caused the autocompletion list to move: IDEA-201036.

Процедура лечения

1. Установите Intellij IDEA.
2. Скопируйте файл JetbrainsIdesCrack-4.1-release-enc.jar в директорию C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.2\bin (путь установки по умолчанию).
3. В той же директории, в файл idea64.exe.vmoptions (или idea.exe.vmoptions, в зависимости от разрядности ОС и лаунчера) добавьте строку -javaagent:C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.2\bin\JetbrainsIdesCrack-4.1-release-enc.jar.
4. Запустите Intellij IDEA, в поле ввода кода активации введите любые символы.


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